Friday, July 15, 2011

Does this sound like an interesting Manga?

Basically, it starts off with a girl who is 16 and dosen't have any friends at high school. She isn't very pretty, but has very good grades as she dosen't waste any time socialising or wearing make-up, because she's holding onto the idea that with good grades, she will be happy and successful in the future. Her mother and father don't understand her, as she's un-talkative. She has a pet baby rabbit, which she talks to and is her only friend in this cruel world. When she comes home from school, she finds her rabbit dead. She goes to the place where they cremate animals, and cries. She is comforted by a mysterious and rugged slightly older boy, who she has not seen before. She starts to like him, and she meets him at a park by the cremation place, where there are numerous gravestones of dead animals. She feels compelled by the strange things he says about death, youth and animals. She realises she mistook the fact that she was compelled and intrigued by him for love, and dismisses him, as he had not shown much romantic interest in her anyway. However, as he starts being particularly warm with her near the date of the cremation, she realises that she does indeed love him. Now she feels less alone and understood, she becomes very rude to her parents, and says some horrible things which really hurt them mainly because they complain about how late she's going out all of a sudden. But it dosen't matter, shes got Yoru (the boys name). The night before the cremation, he seems to be a little desperate and frantic, and tells her that he has to see the body of the rabbit. She is a little alarmed but lets him see the body. He then says that he needs to take the rabbit with him to his house. She is a little creeped out, but allows him as she is actually now slightly scared, as he has a scary look in his eyes. She cries and asks him to talk to her because she is confused but he says something about death and youth being beautiful. She decides to follow him home, because she wants to know what he's doing. She peers through the window, and see's him doing something unspeakable with the corpse. She is in utter shock, but it all adds up. He's a Homopedobeasteonecrophile, meaning he's exclusively attracted to dead male baby animals. Shocked at how she mistook his caring for compasion, when he's a super-creep pervert she heads home completely white in the face. She feels to ashamed to show her face to her parents after she'd been so nasty to them, and taken them for granted. Not knowing what else to do, she kills herself.

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